• 10:00-10:25

Pushing the Boundaries of Edge AI: Embrace the “Umwelt”

  • Prof. Nathan Eskue
  • TU Delft

The Umwelt theory states that because the mind and body are inseparable, the world around us is defined by what we can sense. This means that our reality, our “umwelt”, is actually just a tiny slice of objective reality. What it, for example, you could sense Wi-Fi signals? Or see in infrared? Or “feel” the movement of the stock market?
What does this have to do with AI? It means that with an AI model, we are the ones who create the world it perceives. We can limit the world by limiting inputs, or we can push the boundaries by expanding the umwelt far beyond what humans can perceive.

In practice, our research is focused on using diverse sensor arrays combined with edge devices to create an expansive umwelt that can fully monitor a manufacturing process. By using many different types of input we are working to monitor every aspect of a process. We then use edge AI to determine if there is a risk of process failure, far ahead of any normal process monitoring techniques. Come join us as we show you the progress made so far, where our roadmap is leading us, and what this means for manufacturing innovation.