This is thePrecision Fair

From your smartphone to space telescopes, medical devices and chip machines... our machines and devices are becoming faster, smarter and more advanced. However, to develop these, complex technological solutions are required, where increasingly smaller and more precise measuring, engineering and producing is essential. The complexity is such that these solutions can only be realized through collaboration.

The Precision Fair has been the trade show for 23 years where you meet and discover the top companies and solutions in the field of high and ultra precision technology

Not only with other technical disciplines but also with many other specialized companies, with education and with science. By sharing knowledge and working together, also internationally, we literally push the boundaries of technology. That is what the 23rd edition of the Precision Fair is all about: pushing boundaries through international collaboration.

Precisiebeurs lezing

This is the Precision Fair

Precisiebeurs Beursvloer23


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  • metaal magazine
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  • 06Euspen PB2015
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  • 05Dutch Precision Technology lr
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