• 10:00-10:25
  • Lectures hall 3

Thermography for Improved Energy – Higher Efficiency and Security in Renewable Energies

  • André Kipp
  • InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik

Using renewable energy sources is a prerequisite for achieving the current climate protection goals. Therefore, energy production and energy storage need to go hand in hand.

InfraTec Supports Energy Transition
Our thermography solutions are essential in research and the generation of renewable energy as well as its storage.
With our partners together we ensure a more efficient and secure production of renewable energy.

Learn More About:
•    Energy production
o    Wind power (Optimization…)
o    PV-LIT (Solar cell development, quality assurance…)
o    Concentrated solar power (Optimization…)
•    Energy distribution and storage
o    E-LIT (Optimisation for power electronics…)
o    FIRE-SCAN (Fire prevention…)