Conference programme 16 November 2023

  • 10:30-10:55
  • Lectures hall 1

The power of precision

Mifa Aluminium specializes in precision extrusion of (complex) aluminium and magnesium profiles. We can extrude aluminium profiles with dimensional tolerances from +/- 0,02 mm tolerance, directly into the extrusion. Our capabilities gives you an enormously freedom in designing a product. With our co-engineering, together we can create an optimal product against the best costs. We also can deliver a complete product by adding machining, surface treatment (anodizing), bending or assembly to the extrusion. Our unique possibilities even helps you to be fully conscious with your CO2 footprint. Experience it for yourself, experience Mifa.

  • 10:55-11:20
  • Lectures hall 1

Break & expo

  • 11:20-11:45
  • Lectures hall 1

Precision Cleaning Chemicals/Processes for high cleanliness grades

  • Ir. Roger Theunissen Senior Expert Precision Cleaning Processes / Contamination Control, CeConEx in opdracht van FenS bv Goes

In deze voordracht wordt besproken hoe de werkwijze is van FenS/Borer om zelfs de meest complexe vraagstukken op te lossen op gebied van de hoogste reinheid specificaties. Dit betreft bijvoorbeeld Grade 1&2 voor toeleveranciers van onder andere de halfgeleiderproductie, vacuümindustrie en ruimtetechnologie.
Ook wordt uitgelegd hoe knelpunten (bijvoorbeeld  verkleuringen en vlekken) aangepakt kunnen worden door een modulaire opbouw van reinigingsprocessen op waterbasis.
Bij deze aanpak staat centraal dat de gebruiker zo min mogelijk zelf hoeft te testen en voorzien wordt van een compleet reinigingsproces (chemie + parameters).  Hiermee wordt de gebruiker zoveel mogelijk ontzorgd.

  • 11:50-12:15
  • Lectures hall 1

Optimizing linear bearing for precision, in vacuum or cleanroom, in advance condition monitoring

THK linear bearing (LM guide) is optimizing for each application design purpose.  Load distribution and ball circulation will be optimized for precision. Material and lubricant will be optimized for vacuum or cleanroom. In advance, OMNI edge will visualize its condition to optimize maintenance management.

  • 12:15-13:30
  • Lectures hall 1

Break & expo

  • 13:30-13:55
  • Lectures hall 1

Impact of tolerances on manufacturability and cost when producing via Metal Additive Manufacturing

  • Rob van Loon Additive Manufacturing Engineer, KMWE Precision BV

An increase of lasers in modern AM machines, as well as progress on process parameters results in more components being suited for production with AM. These are often parts currently produced with subtractive manufacturing.

Besides adjustments to part design, it is always beneficial to rethink the tolerances set on part or assembly as best practices used in subtractive manufacturing like milling can have an adverse effect on part manufacturability and cost if produced via AM.

In this lecture we would like to show what is with the AM process, what can be achieved with post-processing and what should be avoided to create cost effective functional components.

  • 14:00-14:25
  • Lectures hall 1

First time right The prediction of deformations in LPBF 3D printed parts using state of the art commercial software

Among various additive manufacturing (AM) techniques, Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF) stands out as a leading technology, enabling the production of intricate metal parts layer by layer. However, LPBF is not without its challenges, with thermal deformations being a key concern. Fontys University of Applied Sciences has leveraged Siemens NX Additive Manufacturing for digital simulations to predict and address these thermal deformations in LPBF, thus enhancing precision and part quality. Importantly, ongoing developments and refinements in software and techniques emphasize the dynamic nature of this field, as software vendors continually strive to optimize LPBF technology for improved outcomes.

  • 14:30-14:55
  • Lectures hall 1

Binder Jetting: A technology for serial production

At the hand of examples, we will show some success stories of metal and sand 3D binder jetting for serial production.

  • 15:00-15:25
  • Lectures hall 1

Industrieel AM in Metalen

In IAMM werken drie hogescholen (Fontys, Windesheim, Saxion) samen, aangevuld met universiteiten (Delft, Enschede), bedrijven en netwerkorganisaties. Met elkaar onderzoeken ze en delen ze kennis over verschillende vormen van metaalprinten. Niet alleen de techniek komt aan bod, maar ook andere aspecten die van belang zijn voor een succesvolle adoptie in de productieketen. De diversiteit in de groep, ook geografisch, staat garant voor een veel omvattende aanpak omwille van een effectieve doorgroei van additive manufacturing als complementaire vervaardigingsoplossing.

  • 15:30-15:55
  • Lectures hall 1

Toepassingen van Additive Manufacturing als productietechnologie bij Festo

3D printing wordt een steeds belangrijkere productietechnologie bij Festo; niet enkel voor prototyping, ook steeds meer voor eindonderdelen. In deze lezing zal de spreker ingaan op enkele toepassingen van AM technologie bij Festo. Daarnaast zal er gekeken worden naar oplossingen voor AM fabrikanten om het AM proces verder te industrialiseren.

  • 16:00-16:25
  • Lectures hall 1

Using Additive Manufacturing to reduce Time-To-Market for Powder Injection Moulding components

  • René Bult Business Development, Formatec Technical Ceramics

A decade ago Formatec co-developed an innovative technology for 3D printing of ceramic materials. Today this technology is successfully used both as an accelerator for ceramic product development as well as a standard production process for (small) serial production. The added value of AM for the customers is presented via a few examples.

  • 10:00-10:25
  • Lectures hall 3

Thermography for Improved Energy – Higher Efficiency and Security in Renewable Energies

  • André Kipp Projectmanager Thermography, InfraTec GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik

Using renewable energy sources is a prerequisite for achieving the current climate protection goals. Therefore, energy production and energy storage need to go hand in hand.

InfraTec Supports Energy Transition
Our thermography solutions are essential in research and the generation of renewable energy as well as its storage.
With our partners together we ensure a more efficient and secure production of renewable energy.

Learn More About:
•    Energy production
o    Wind power (Optimization…)
o    PV-LIT (Solar cell development, quality assurance…)
o    Concentrated solar power (Optimization…)
•    Energy distribution and storage
o    E-LIT (Optimisation for power electronics…)
o    FIRE-SCAN (Fire prevention…)

  • 10:30-10:55
  • Lectures hall 3

Flexibility and shorter changeover times in assembly processes

The need for validating and optimizing assembly performance quickly and reliably for new/updated products is growing. In a joint project, Etteplan developed a solution for the back-end assembly of photonic products where flexibility and short changeover times in the production sequence is a crucial element. This flexibility was important to optimize and shorten the lead time of the R&D process. Based on open source software, Etteplan developed this solution for their machine platform combining a simple and efficient block based programming interface, enabling product companies and foundries to program and configure the machine’s production sequence and parameters themselves.

  • 10:55-11:20
  • Lectures hall 1

Break & expo

  • 11:20-11:45
  • Lectures hall 3

Modified alcohols in the High Purity Industry (HPO)

  • Manuel Huihui Sales & Technical Support Manager, Richard Geiss GmbH on behalf of 2-S B.V.

More and more companies in the supply chain are investing in cleaning systems. In many cases, a vapor degreasing system with modified alcohol is chosen. But what are modified alcohols and what are their advantages over aqueous cleaning?

  • 11:50-12:15
  • Lectures hall 3

When Revolutionary Tech Meets World-Class Optics

How does an OEM successfully partner with a component manufacturer? Here, we introduce the collaboration between Edmund Optics, a leading global optical component manufacturer and PhotonicSens, an innovator in imaging and sensing technologies. Setting the stage with a live demo, this presentation will introduce PhotonicSens' revolutionary inspection technology and its potential applications as well as the world-class optics enabling the system. Join us in exploring how Edmund Optics can partner with other innovative companies like PhotonicSens to enable cutting-edge technologies. The future depends on optics.

  • 12:15-13:30
  • Lectures hall 1

Break & expo

  • 13:30-13:55
  • Lectures hall 3

Data Driven Design improvement for reliability

Design for reliability of complex high-tech machines is critical for the customers of VDL ETG. In this lecture, we demonstrate how field data from machines at customers is used to quantify the reliability of parts and how this drives design improvement of the next machine generation.

  • 14:00-14:25
  • Lectures hall 3

Inspection and Metrology: A short overview of stylus and WLI technique for measuring industry applications

Almost a century ago the concept of measuring surface roughness started as a way to stop disputes and uncertainty between buyers and manufacturers.
Today, it is a common identifier that is utilized across industry for confirming adherence to both internal and regulatory specifications, validating manufacturing processes, and guaranteeing performance and quality of end products.
This presentation will focus on the essential role of Bruker's metrology technology, and in particular WLI technique in understanding and characterising next-generation industrial product from automotive industry through high tech optical industry to MEMS & thin films.

  • 14:30-14:55
  • Lectures hall 3

High Purity Cleaning with the new batch cleaning system Silberhorn MWS

  • Sebastian Töpfl Master Professional of Technical Management (CCI), Maschinenbau Silberhorn GmbH on behalf of Encoma BV

The latest high purity cleaning system from Maschinenbau Silberhorn GmbH is the MWS (Multi Washing System) cleaning machine. An industrial parts cleaning system able to clean parts with consistently high quality. This innovative system revolutionises water based parts cleaning in many different ways at once. The MWS single-chamber cleaning machine is available in one, two or three tanks and equipped with various innovative techniques (spray cleaning, pressure flood washing, scoop flood washing, ultrasonic cleaning, hot air drying, vacuum drying,etc.) for the highest cleanliness levels. The process is easy to program and the process can be followed via Siemens control panel.

  • 15:00-15:25
  • Lectures hall 3

The devil is in the details; tolerances are the key to success

  • Tijs Teepen co-Founder and Managing Director, STEF med tech

Looking at past projects it is clear that failures always arise from or are initiated by small details. The analysis of the tolerances handles just that, the details. But the misconception, which is a result of the misinterpretation of the famous V model of system engineering, is that there is a specific time to tackle these details. That is not the most efficient and effective way. In this lecture I will describe give examples and pointers on how to handle and target these details. Including a few examples on the broad spectrum of elements to think about when defining the tolerances.

  • 15:30-15:55
  • Lectures hall 3

PECM: new possibilities for extreme precision

  • Henk Nijland PECM Application Engineer, Ter Hoek Vonkerosie BV

Innovations such as PECM have opened up many new possibilities to provide even better, smaller, and more advanced solutions.
Henk Nijland is application engineer PECM at Ter Hoek. He will talk you through how the technology works, and share valuable ins and outs around cases. How did he face problems and think of the solution needed? Why is tooling so important?
Henk is looking forward to sharing how you can reach the highest cleanliness standards and reduce contamination risks even further. And how PECM gives you a lot more design freedom, so you can push boundaries and drive innovation!

  • 09:30-10:25
  • Arena
  • Arena

Welcome with DJ

  • 10:30-10:55
  • Arena

The Max factor in your projects

In the fast-paced world of Formula 1, every second counts, and precision is paramount. Join us as we explore the exciting intersection of high-tech project management and the thrilling world of motorsports. Using Formula 1 as our guiding example, we'll delve into how project managers can harness agility, teamwork, system engineering, and leadership to drive successful outcomes in precision technology. Get ready to rev up your project management skills and cross the finish line with flying colors.

  • 13:30-13:55
  • Arena

Businesskansen met de Innovatiemakelaar

De InnovatieMakelaars van Holland High Tech, de topsector High Tech Systemen & Materialen, bieden start-ups, scale-ups en MKB-ers praktische hulp voor de ontwikkeling van hun onderneming. Of het nu gaat om de volgende stap voor je innovatie, het betreden van nieuwe markten of het optimaliseren van je eigen (hightech-)processen: ze helpen graag.
Tijdens deze talk laten we aan de hand van praktische voorbeelden zien wat er mogelijk is. De InnovatieMakelaars van Holland High Tech geven voorbeelden en bedrijven laten zien wat er mogelijk is. Wil je weten of jij ook geholpen kunt worden? Kom dan kennismaken tijdens De Precisiebeurs, we zijn er beide dagen in Stand 50.

  • 14:00-14:25
  • Arena

Hoe kijkt de Rabobank naar de toekomst van de maakindustrie?

6 trends die volgens ons het verschil gaan maken.
Ervaringen met koplopers en achterblijvers.
Macro- economische prognoses voor de maakindustrie.

  • 14:30-14:55
  • Arena

Supervisory controller specification, analysis and synthesis with the LSAT tool

Supervisory control is an important aspect in high-precision equipment, to coordinate subsystem actions such that the functional requirements are satisfied, and the productivity is optimized. In this presentation we introduce LSAT, a tool to specify supervisory controllers and to analyze their performance. Special focus will be on a newly developed engine, that automatically executes LSAT specifications on a target platform, thereby relieving developers from the manual, laborious and error-prone implementation step of these controllers. LSAT is used in a number of companies in the Netherlands to specify supervisor behavior, to perform mechanical layout analysis and to optimize throughput.